How to Understand Data to Make Smart Decisions from The Tech Leader's Playbook podcast.

This podcast explores how data literacy, psychology, and learning strategies can enhance organizational performance. We discuss insights on critical thinking, unlearning old mindsets, aligning learning to goals, validating data analysis, and overcoming biases.

How to Understand Data to Make Smart Decisions from The Tech Leader's Playbook podcast.


This episode of The Tech Leader's Playbook podcast featured Kevin Hanegan, Chief Learning Officer at Qlik, and author of Turning Data into Wisdom and Data Literacy in Practice. They discussed how data literacy, psychology, and learning strategies can enhance organizational performance.

Kevin explained that data literacy is not just technical skills, but critical thinking and questioning information. With data proliferating, these skills help people avoid misinformation and make better daily decisions. Unlearning old thinking is hard but necessary before adopting new mindsets. Kevin shared an example of employees struggling to adapt to a new work culture due to rigid past training.

Leaders must leverage psychology to understand what motivates teams in order to drive change and build a high-impact learning culture. Learning strategies should align to business goals through competency mapping to identify skill gaps, then measure effectiveness against baselines. Kevin advocated for systematic processes versus ad hoc analysis when using data in decisions. Start with defining the decision first, then find relevant data to analyze.

He stressed the importance of validating assumptions and checking for biases when analyzing data to avoid flawed logic underlying decisions. Dedicated time commitment from leaders and teams is essential for learning and change, not just 30 minutes every 2 weeks. Awareness enables better data literacy. Overall, data literacy, psychology, and structured learning strategies can significantly improve organizational performance if implemented intentionally.

Key Insights

  • Data literacy is mainly critical thinking and questioning, not just technical skills. It helps people make better daily decisions and avoid misinformation.
  • Unlearning old ways of thinking is key before learning new skills/mindsets, but very difficult.
  • Psychology is crucial - leaders must understand what motivates teams to drive change and build high-impact learning cultures.
  • Learning strategies must align to business goals through competency mapping to identify skill gaps. Measure effectiveness against baselines.
  • Systematic processes for using data in decisions are more effective vs ad hoc analysis. Start with the decision first, then find relevant data.
  • Validate assumptions and check for bias when analyzing data to avoid decisions based on flawed logic.
  • Learning requires time commitment from leaders and teams. Can't expect change with 30 mins every 2 weeks.

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