Empower Your Future with Data Literacy

From the Basics to Mastery—Tailored Learning Journeys for Individuals and Teams

Unlock the full potential of your team with our structured data literacy and analytics training programs and offerings. Whether you're looking for accessible introductory content or comprehensive tailored solutions, we offer a range of options to suit your needs.

Free Tier | Individual Subscription | Team and Organizational Subscriptions | Ad-hoc Solutions

Free Tier

Embark on your data literacy journey with our complimentary resources. Access insightful articles, engaging tutorials, informative podcasts, and self-assessments to build a strong foundation in data literacy and analytics.

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Access to Free Articles and Tutorials

Start your data literacy journey with a variety of articles and tutorials that introduce basic concepts and offer insights into the world of data literacy, data strategy, data-informed decision-making, AI, and becoming a better data citizen.

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Listen and watch data related podcasts from our curated playlists for Spotify and YouTube.

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Test your knowledge and track your progress with our comprehensive assessments, ensuring you're on the right path to data mastery.

Individual Subscriptions

Elevate your data proficiency with our Individual Subscription. This tier is designed for learners looking to delve deeper into the complexities of data literacy through a comprehensive suite of resources. Gain unlimited access to all our premium learning content including detailed white papers, practical workbooks, quick reference guides, exclusive video tutorials, and innovative tools like our Data Literacy GPT, all tailored to enhance your learning experience and mastery over data.

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Educational Articles

Dive into our rich collection of articles that cover everything from the basics of data literacy to advanced concepts in data-informed decision-making

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Learning Videos and EBooks

Enhance your learning experience with our engaging ebooks and videos, tailored to cater to various learning styles and preferences.

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Quick Reference Guides

Need a quick refresher? Our handy guides provide you with the essential information you need, right at your fingertips.

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Tools & Frameworks

Explore our unique tools and frameworks that are designed to simplify complex data concepts and help you apply them in real-world scenarios.

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Test your knowledge and track your progress with our comprehensive assessments, ensuring you're on the right path to data mastery.

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Data Literacy GPT

Experience the future of learning with our own Data Literacy GPT, a cutting-edge tool that provides personalized guidance and answers to your data literacy related queries.

Team and Organizational Subscriptions

Transform your organization's data literacy with our Team and Organizational Subscriptions. This plan extends the Individual Subscription benefits with additional features designed to foster a collective learning environment. Utilize our comprehensive data literacy framework, group learning assessments, integrations with your learning management system, and custom content pathways, coupled with live custom webinars and dedicated support to ensure your team not only learns but excels together in achieving data mastery.

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Comprehensive Data Literacy Framework

Leverage our extensive data literacy competency framework and blueprint to baseline skills across your team and develop custom learning plans.

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Group Learning Tools

Integrate our learning content into your learning management system to facilitate team learning with comprehensive progress tracking.

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Custom Learning Content and Pathways

Tailor the learning content and activities to meet specific team goals and address identified skill gaps, using our strategic framework to guide development.

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Dedicated Support

Receive live dedicated webinars as well as ongoing support and consultancy to ensure your team achieves its learning objectives and maximizes their data literacy potential.

Ad-Hoc Solutions

Customize your approach to data literacy training with our Ad-Hoc Solutions. These can be tailored and delivered in various formats to suit your organizational needs—choose from onsite, virtual, or self-paced learning experiences. Whether you require specific interventions, targeted training development, or specialized educational content, these solutions can be purchased à la carte or integrated into a subscription plan. Ideal for companies that need precise, adaptable learning options without the commitment of a full team subscription. All courses and activities can be delivered via our platform or integrated seamlessly into your Learning Management System (LMS).

Explore our full catalog of courses and workshops to see the diverse topics and formats we offer.

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Customized Training Development

Every organization has unique needs. Our custom training development ensures that your educational content is perfectly aligned with your company's goals and workforce requirements. Whether it's onsite, virtual, or self-paced, we design learning experiences that fit seamlessly into your schedule and operational framework.

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Flexible Delivery Options

Choose the training delivery format that works best for your team. We offer onsite workshops for hands-on, interactive learning, virtual sessions for geographical flexibility, and self-paced courses for learners to proceed at their own speed. All options are designed to integrate smoothly into your existing Learning Management System (LMS).

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Contact Us for Personalized Pricing

Interested in our ad-hoc solutions but unsure about the cost? Contact us for a personalized pricing plan tailored to your specific needs and budget. Our team is dedicated to providing transparent and flexible pricing options to ensure you get the most value from your investment in data literacy training.

Why Choose Turning Data into Wisdom?

At Turning Data into Wisdom, we specialize in adult learning, crafting educational experiences that respect your time, adapt to various learning styles, and directly apply to your professional roles. Our approach goes beyond simple content delivery— we create engaging, impactful learning journeys that integrate seamlessly into your daily life.

  • Rooted in Modern Education Theory: Our courses are informed by the latest theories in adult education, ensuring they are not only informative but also engaging and directly relevant.
  • Diverse Teaching Methods: We employ scenario-based learning, problem-solving exercises, and reflective practices to maximize retention and practical application.
  • Tailored Learning Pathways: From basic data understanding to mastery, our pathways are designed to progress at your pace, helping you not only understand but also effectively leverage data in your strategic decisions.

Key Features of Our Platform

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One-Stop Resource for Data Mastery

Dive into everything data with TurningDataIntoWisdom.com. Whether you're starting with the basics or advancing to complex data strategies and AI, our rich library of resources caters to all levels of data proficiency.

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Customizable Competency-Based Learning

Stand out with our personalized training approach. Our Data Literacy Blueprint tailors your learning to the skills that matter most to your role, ensuring you apply what you learn effectively.

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Guided Learning Made Simple

Forget the confusion about where to start. Our structured pathways help you navigate the complex data landscape with ease, enhancing your learning efficiency and retention.

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Interactive and Practical Experience

Learn by doing. Our platform encourages you to engage directly with the material through interactive tools and practical assessments, transforming theoretical knowledge into real-world skills.

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